Thursday 22 October 2009

Urban Vs Nature

Clear road to the church- I took this photo from a low angle so i could see more and to make it more interesting. I like the fact that you have a busy road filled with people, but if you follow the road down it leads to a church and trees.

I like the picture with the train in it, as you cant spot it straight away, i like that fact that the surrounding is nature, but it has a man made machine(the train) and in the bottom left hand corner you can see a CCTV camera. This breings a sudden realisation to my mind that its not as we think it may be. I look at theis picture and cannot relax when i see the camera. It reminds me of big brother, the idea that someone is always watching you.

Decisive Moments

For my decisive moment pictures my group and i decided to go down to the local skate park. I like the picture of the boy in the blue shirt because it captures him as he ollise, with one foot off the skate board and the other barly touching it and the skatebord balancing. I like it because you can notice things you wouldnt notice if you just saw him doing it because it would be to fast. This picture could be better if i had stood in front of him and and taken it from a lower angle i could have focused more on his feet and the board.

I am rather impressed at the photo i took of the guy on the BMX i addmit that it is abit to dark, but i like the effect that it gives, it is like a silluette and really draws your attention to it. I am happy with the camera angle. Over all i am proud of this photo.

The picture of the boy in the purple top on the skate bord is another one i am very happy i like the fact that it has been captured just before he hits the grid bar. I would have been hapyer if i had taken the picture two seconds later as i may have captured him as he fell off.

Friday 9 October 2009

Photo Editing Analysis

Going from top to bottom.

My first image is the original, and had no editing.

My second image is my mug shot :) What i did was i added a spot light and changed the textur of the picture to make it look like its on a scatch pad. I also added a glare from the flash.

My third image was done in the same way as the above.

On my finall image i decded to use a stamp on photoshoot that allows you to clone areas i decided to experement with different shapes. My final desision was to use a star, and i cloned areas of my shirt, and put them onto my shoes and coat.

Photo Editing


The Golden rule and the rule of thirds.
  • The golden rule is were everything is placed into the middle of the picture, its were your eyes are attracted to.
  • The rule of thirds is where the page is split into three Forground,Middle and background.
  • Photography was first invented in 1839
  • Alternitive landscape. And how it can be a very slight change in a picture that can change the whole mood of it.